Nearly weekly we receive questions on purchasing a whole beef steer. I will attempt to answer your questions below.

How much meat is a whole beef steer?
First you must understand there are three weights that are discussed when talking weight of a steer (live, hanging, and packaged). Live weight is pretty easy to understand. Our target goal for all steers is 1100-1500 pounds. The second weight is the hanging weight. This is the weight of the carcass after skin, head, hooves, and internal organs are removed. As depicted in the image above hanging weight is generally 62% of live weight. The third weight measurement is the packaged weight, this is the pounds of meat you take home. This number is the live weight minus fat, bones, and waste that is trimmed away. This number can fluctuate based on the cuts of meats that you select (i.e., ground beef uses more beef scraps than a trimmed steak.)
What if I don't need a whole beef steer. Are there other options?
Yes, we currently offer whole, half and quarter sides of beef. Below is a snapshot of what to expect for purchasing option.

How much would a whole beef cost me?
Prices vary year to year, below prices are for the 2022 beef season. Beef is charged by

the pound of the hanging weight. The hanging weight price for 2022
is $7/lb. This price includes all costs to include butcher fees. A $1,000 deposit is required at time of sign-up for a whole beef, $500 for half, and $250 deposit for a quarter. This deposit will go towards the total price of the beef.
We offer two payment options for all beef purchasing options. Lump sum due at butcher time minus the deposit, or a monthly CSA share. The CSA share will breakdown the estimated price over an agreed amount of time (up to the butcher date) and be due the first of each month. Contact us for more information if interested.
How much freezer space will I need?
Please review the photo above about each purchasing options. In short, whole beef - 16 cubic feet of freezer space needed/ half side of beef - 8 cubic feet of freezer space needed / quarter side of beef - 4 cubic feet of freezer space needed.
Can I choose my own cuts?
Yes, you can!